
I felt like writing my mind out

He wrote to me  " I felt like writing my mind out, that is the only way I can communicate my ideas. I trusted many people in my life, I also loved unconditionally,  I tried to express my love to my loved ones in million ways but all of this was in vain. I tried and tried and tried... but all was in vain I, for the moment, want to start anew, and make my own rules. I want to be frank and clear about almost everything in my life. I want to look for true love in people until I find one. I want to write every day and make money, and make all my dreams come true. I may do a lot of wrong things that I shouldn`t do but I am pushed. I tried hqrd to find a loving spirite but none, everyone is struggling in life. Everyone is unique and stuck in their own lives. I think I am the only one who is as clear as cristal about their desires, dreams and goals. I am writing not to impress but to express and find a way out for my supressed feelings, my handcuffed dreams. I want to break free from ever

To write daily is one of my goals

 Setting up this blog was an old goal to pursue my dream of writing. I know I stopped for long, yet here is the month when I decided again to get back on track and write. It doesn't matter how much I write daily as long as I write everyday, that's a good thing. First, it feels good. Second, it helps me improve myself and my writing style in particular. So, today after I had a mug of black coffee without sugar and fried eggs, I went out for a walk, looking for some fresh air to breathe. I met a stray dog and patted its head, I had nothing to give it, but at least a touch of tenderness is more important in a land where there is rare gentleness. I taught a class about obligation with have got to. I also had a song "I believe" by Ian Dry and Blockheads. It is an amazing track with deep meanings and teaching good manners. I also drove around the city for a few minutes, and then drove back home to have lunch: rice, chicken and fried potatoe. Now I have two more classes to t

Another May day

 I woke up, I had my coffee after the kid had gone to school early, I got dressed and went for an early walk, it was sort of brisk walking. I walked for one hour. Then I went back home to start my first English class with my friend Youssef. We had a class about Victorian Age educational system and the rules that were imposed on students at school like not leaving school until the kids are 12, and the techers I mean female teachers not getting married  while working with the kids. I also taught another student a writing class about how to write a story, and here is what we ended up writing: Edward Cheatle one of the businessmen from Worthing in the city of SUssex was walking on the beach last Saturday afternoon, and all of a sudden he dropped his phone and lost it. One week later, an old fisherman who was called Glen Kerley ws riding his boat to catch some  fresh fish to seel in the market. So, while he was preparing his fish for sale, he suddenly cut the fish belly and he was surprised

Reading Oliver Twist

 When I started reading Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, I did not imagine that London was one  day as such, a sorrowful place, full of misery and unhappiness. The dire poverty that struck London once is even worse than what is happening now in Morocco. I am thinking if we will devolop into what London looks like today. London was a shabby city once, but nowadays is a huge city that is prosperous. a future that has nothing to do with its past, I wonder if we can also develop into a more shining future too.

Writing daily

 I would like to write on a daily basis. I know it is a big challenge as it takes a lot of time, effort and commitment, but at least it feels so good to write and improve. Nature fears stability, and so do I. When I was younger I dreamt of many things, I saw myself a football player because I liked football, and I saw myself a millionaire because I liked money, I also daydreamt about becoming a scientist or anyone famous like an actor or a famous singer. However as I grew up reading and developping more into a man, I learnt my strenghts and shortcomings. I can say now that my dreams, if I still have any, are more realistic than they were. Is it because I am getting older or because of my experience in life, as most dreams did not come true as I wished. It is easy to dream, yet hard to fulfill them. Dreams are free my friends!

A day in May

 This morning I decided to go to the café as there are no classes. Students started their final preparations for the final exam. I went to the café, parked my car, went to the baker's, but in vain, it was closed. I went back to the café, I started to read but I didn't finish a single page. Everytime I start reading, a distraction pops up. I spent hours their just socializing and helping people with their technology issues. I wrote an online complaint for one of my friends and solved a technical problem of a friend's car. Back home, after failing to read anything, I had lunch with family, Moroccan couscous, then brushed my teeth and righ to bed to take a nap. After that I taught an English class, and now I am having a mug of coffee and am relaxing to get ready for the next two classes. So see you soon!

To The Peak

 He stopped to take a breath, as the mountain was very high for him to climb. He likes to just go ahead nonstop, yet this time he needed to halt. In certain times in life one has to stop to take a breath, and reflect on all decisions  made so far. He looked at the summit, focusing his gaze at the the peak and the numerous birds flying in circles, without touching each other. They look like eagles. they live there, rarely do they ever fly down unless for a prey or for a material to build their nests. Flying high and alone into the vast sky is an art left for the free. Fly high eagle, fly high! He thought of the place where he would spend his night under the night sky.  Next to the fire he had ignited some few moments ago, he ate his dinner under the stars, and under the thousands gazes of different animals and insects around. he took out a book. A very big book. He opened it, and removed the bookmark to read from where he had stopped last time. he was immersed in the story, to the exten